Richard Smíšek
Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague – general medicine. Specialist in myoskeletal and internal medicine. Rehabilitation and regeneration of the spine, the locomotor system and the internal organs.
My method is derived from and builds on the following principal sources: Travel and Simons – Myofascial pain and Dysfunction. Rohen Yokochi – Anatomie des Menschen (Human Anatomy). K. Tittel – Anatomie des Menschen (Human Anatomy). Schneider, Dvořák, Trischler – Manuelle Medizin ( Manual Medicine). Kendal – Svalový test (Muscle Test). Kapandji – The Physiology of the Joints. K. Lewit – Manipulační léčba (Manipulation Treatment). V. Janda – Funkční diagnostika svalového aparátu, svalový test (Functional diagnostics of the muscle apparatus, muscle test)
Book – Treating and preventing back pain – Spiral stabilization of the spine ISBN 978-80-904292-0-8
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