Rafael Torres Cueco
Rafael Torres has a Degree in Physiotherapy (University of Valencia 1988), a Degree in Nursing (University of Valencia 1980) and a Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UCAM 2002). Advanced Studies Diploma in the Health Sciences Research Program (UCH 2009). Certificate in Cognitive Restructuring, Acceptance and Commitment and Mindfulness (UV). PhD in Neuroscience (UCV). Senior lecturer at the University of Valencia. Instructor of the Neuro Orthopedic Institute. President and founder of the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy and Pain (SEFID). Co-founder of the special interest group on pain of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT). Director of the Master of Manual Therapy: Clinical Neuro-Orthopedic Approach (UV). Interest in chronic pain began in 2000 after meeting David Butler while he was completing his research work on anthropology of pain. His main interest is the application of advances in neuroscience in the treatment of chronic pain. He has been the introducer in Spain of neurobiology education and the biopsychosocial approach in the treatment of pain. His current research area focuses on neuroimaging biomarkers in chronic pain patients.
He teaches postgraduate training at different universities on chronic pain management based on advances in neuroscience and the biopsychosocial paradigm. He is the author of 4 books The Cervical Spine: Clinical Evaluation and Therapeutic Approaches (2008), The Cervical Spine: Clinical Syndromes and its Manipulative Treatment (2008) Essential Guide to the Cervical Spine. Clinical Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches. Edinburgh: ELSEVIER; 2017 and Essential Guide to the Cervical Spine. Clinical Syndromes and Manipulative Approaches. Edinburgh: ELSEVIER; 2017 and he is the author of different book chapters on clinical reasoning and the treatment of chronic pain.