Understand and Explain Pain by Lorimer Moseley
Curso impartido en Inglés

MasterSessions Broadcast Two 2022 con Moseley + Stanton y Hutchinson
Join Lorimer Moseley and his guests for this global Pain MasterSession back by popular demand– a massive 16.5 hours of cutting-edge pain science and clinical application with some of the world’s pain super stars. It’s going to be incredible!
What we know now about persistent pain puts recovery right back on the table.
Pain science and treatment is a fast-moving field. Discoveries from across the fundamental and applied sciences open up new and exciting opportunities for improving outcomes for those at risk of, or challenged by, persisting pain.
We love getting the science to the people who can use it the most – clinicians at the coal face.
What makes a MasterSession event special?
It’s all in the high production value. This is not webcam perched atop a laptop stuff. We hired a full production crew including a live production manager, film crew and director. We kitted out the place with more cameras, lights and microphones than you could imagine to capture all the angles, all the great moments, and broadcast every single minute jam-packed with educational goodness.
We also recorded everything in glorious HD and made these recordings available to everyone who bought a ticket so that you could watch back all of it – not just the one broadcast but both – over and over again.
World leading scientists, pioneering researchers and leaders in pain care. What a line up!
It is taught in English
WEBINAR gratuito con Lorimer Moseley
“The links between learning and pain” 22 de Febrero 09:30h
Datos del curso
DURACIÓN: 16’5 horas
DIRIGIDO A: Fisioterapeutas
FORMATO: ONLINE LIVE (Streaming en directo)
Pendiente de nuevas fechas
3 días por la mañana de 09:00 a 15:00 h
What will be the same as the 2021 event?
- Lorimer Moseley’s course will be mostly the same but refined and updated
- Guest key presenter Professor Mark Hutchinson will appear on both broadcasts
- Guest key presenter Associate Professor Tasha Stanton will be presenting on broadcast 2
- Two broadcast options to make it accessible to all time zones
- Streamed live in HD
- Video recordings of BOTH BROADCASTS available on your noigroup account
What will be different to the 2021 event?
- New key guest presenters on both broadcasts
- New on the couch, guests and discussions with a science focus
- Audience interaction through Q&A, quizzes and polls are unique to each event
Precios y matrícula del curso
Precio: 550€
1.- Cumplimentar Inscripción
2.- Pago de INSCRIPCIÓN de 550€ por tarjeta.
3.- Seguir indicaciones y cumplimentar el calendario de pagos.
Calendario de pagos:
Resto del pago: Si lo hay después de la inscripción se comunicará.
Lorimer Moseley
Lorimer draws on over 30 years of clinical pain research and practice to lead you on a journey through the conceptual underpinnings of modern pain rehabilitation, cutting edge pain-related cognitive and clinical neuroscience, critical pain-related thinking, clinical reasoning and treatment principles… (Ver +)
Three of the world’s pain superstars join Lorimer Moseley to discuss the future of pain care.

Mark Hutchinson
on the fundamental science, how cellular and molecular evidence can change the pain experience and what is just over the horizon in terms of technologies and our understanding of persistent pain… (Ver +)

Tasha Stanton
on understanding why people have pain and why sometimes it doesn’t go away, looking at how we can treat osteo-arthritis in better and new ways. (Ver +)
- Massively increase your knowledge of pain biology
- Improve your ability to integrate this into your assessment and management of anyone in pain
- Gain an insight into the future of pain research, science and care
- Learn from some of the brightest minds in pain science in the world today
This MasterSession will bring discoveries in pain science to life in a clinically applicable way. Contemporary learning principles and techniques will be used to guide participants through how we think, what we think, how we can optimise the impact of educational strategies and how we can use the same techniques to enhance our own discovery, capacity and wellbeing as clinicians.
We think MasterSessions are the biggest and best online pain science education events. Three days of Lorimer Moseley presenting the very latest in clinical pain sciences, pain education and pain treatment. Plus, a huge line up of special guests – world renowned experts in their respective fields presenting their work, and then discussing it live with Lorimer.
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Ya estarás inscrito/a al curso, comprueba que todo esté correcto en el email que habrás recibido y seguir el calendario de pagos. Si tienes alguna duda o algo a fallado en el proceso de pago puedes contactar a info@kenzenformacion.com